Green Smoothie Strategies
Strategies for taste :: 40-60% dark leafy greens
- Build your way up from 30% green to 50% so you can get used to it.
- Choose greens in season eg:
cavolo nero, kale, silverbeet, spinach, salad mix
watercress, sprouts, rocket, - would be for more salad ones like adding tomato and avocado
- Fruit base :: oranges, apples, pears, kiwi fruit are like an easy base for fruit
- bananas are a easy starting point to counteract the taste of greens
- follow what is in season eg feijoas are great to sweeten greens but are only in for summer
- avocados are also a good blend integrator - and even better bananas and avocados
- avocados, bananas, berries start to give layers of flavours so that the smoothies changes tastes as different parts of the tongue are activated
Add water if required :: avoid bought processed
readymade juices
- OR blending without water - but makes the smoothie more like a creamy mousse dessert like
add more avocado and/or mango to make it more creamy - If you want to
try no water : push the juicy ingredients down and use fruit like pineapple, oranges,
kiwifruit, melon
to get a liquid base - then add the greens
- Add berries eg boysenberries change the flavour real fast in terms of sweetness
- parsley and limes add a sharp tang,
- ginger can be strong but can integrate the flavours so it does not taste like blended fruit
Sweet Smoothies :: "DeLush"
end of the Decadent Spectrum
60% Fruit Smoothies is a way to begin and over time add more greens building up to 50% greens
The concept ::
60% Fruit Smoothies is a way to begin and over time add more greens building up to 50% greens
The concept ::
- Use fruit like oranges and apples as a base.
- Embrace Tropical fruit - Pineapples, Mangos, Paw paws, Rock Melon, Honey Dew, plus avocados, bananas
and add extra berries if required
DeLush 60% tropical fruit Smoothie Recipe ::Blend ::
- Overall 1/2 - a full blender of fruit (unblended measurement)
- use fruit like 1-2 orange and 1-2 apple as a base.
- 1/2 Pineapples, 1 Mangos and or 1/2 Paw paw,
- 1-2 avocados and 1-2 bananas
- add 1-2 cups of berries as/if required
- blend 1/2 - a full blender of greens (unblended measurement)
eg 1/3 parsley and kale and cavolo nero
Savory Smoothies
Blend a Garden Salad (using low sugar fruits with dark leafy greens)
Blend a Garden Salad (using low sugar fruits with dark leafy greens)
- Blend a base of spinach, or Kale parsley,
- add for variety : Basel or coriander
- vege/fruit: tomatoes, capsicum, avocado and lime
- xtras : garlic, cucumbers, lemon,
lemon and ginger - add to a blend for a stronger taste and for health eg reducing colds
Blend in "Raw Cacao" powder if you want a change :: this is a healthy form of chocolate
lemon and ginger - add to a blend for a stronger taste and for health eg reducing colds
Blend in "Raw Cacao" powder if you want a change :: this is a healthy form of chocolate
Naked Chocolate :: by David Wolfe and Shazzie :: to alkalise add: Spirulina , Wheat Grass, Barely Grass,
Maka : for energy
Maka : for energy
from Jim Carey and Victoria Boutenko
Eating Raw and Feeling Full
Eating Raw and Feeling Full
A) To make a raw dish that is delicious and satisfying it is necessary
to have all five of these flavors in
your recipe:
Sweet/Pungent (Onion)
The ratios will change with the type of dish you are creating. The key
to creating great Raw Recipes is learning to balance the five flavors. With
time and practice creating Raw Gourmet food will be second nature to you. Here
is a great resource for raw recipes:
- Excess sour is balanced by sweet.
- Overly bitter is balanced sour.
- Fats tone down spices, and mellow too much sweetness.
- Salt brings out flavors.
A breakdown of the five tastes:
Sweet: banana, dates,
mangos, apples, raw honey, stevia extract
Sour: lemon juice, lime
juice, raw apple cider vinegar, grapefruit juice.
Salty: Celtic sea salt,
Nama shoyu, kelp, dulse, miso, celery.
Spicy: hot pepper,
garlic, cayenne pepper.
Bitter: kale, lettuce,
culinary herbs.